H2 Water Reduces Oxidative Stress-Induced Cell Death in Pancreatic β CellsScientific Research

original title: Effect of Reduced Water on the Apoptotic Cell Death Triggered by Oxidative Stress in Pancreatic β HIT-T15 Cell

DOI: 10.1007/1-4020-3103-3_21

Published on: 2005



Recent studies have demonstrated that reactive oxygen species9ROS9and the resulting oxidative stress play an important role in apoptosis. Apoptosis is implicated in pathophysiology of diabetes mellitus. Antioxidants can block or delay apoptosis. We have demonstrated that reduced water (RW) such as hydrogen-rich electrolysed-reduced water (ERW) and natural reduced waters (NRW) like Hita Tenryosui water in Japan and Nordenau water in Germany could scavenge ROS and stimulate glucose intake into muscle and adipocytes. This study investigated the effect of reduced water9RW9on oxygen radicals and apoptosis of pancreatic β -cells by alloxan. Incubation of HIT-T15 cells with alloxan, a diabetogenic compound, resulted in the increased intracellular ROS level, a decrease in viability of cells, the formation of DNA fragmentation and Sub-G1 phase. The generation of ROS, the formation of DNA fragmentation and Sub-G1 phase, the lowering of cell viability by alloxan toxicity can be suppressed by treatment with RW. In contrast, HIT-T15 cells treated with Mineral water were not observed. These results suggest that RW protected pancreatic β-cell from the alloxan-induced apoptosis by preventing the alloxan-derived oxygen radical generation.


K. Otsubo, K. Teruya, S. Kabayama, S. Morisawa, Sanetaka Shirahata, Y. Ishii, Y. Katakura, Yuping Li, Z. Gadek