H2-rich PBS shields human cells from radiationScientific Research

original title: Hydrogen-rich PBS protects cultured human cells from ionizing radiation-induced cellular damage

DOI: 10.2298/NTRP1001023Q

Published on: 2010



Hydroxyl radicals play an important role in ionizing radiation-induced cellular damage, while hydrogen can selectively reduce hydroxyl radicals in vitro. This study was designed to test the hypothesis that hydrogen-rich PBS may be an effective radioprotective agent in vitro. Compared to cells pretreated without hydrogen, we demonstrated that treating cells with hydrogen-rich PBS before irradiation could significantly inhibit IR-induced apoptosis, increase viability of human intestinal crypt cells, significantly increase endogenous antioxidant, and decrease malondialdehyde and 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine concentrations of human lymphocyte AHH-1 cells. It is concluded that hydrogen has a potential as an effective and safe radioprotective agent.


Bailong Li, Fei Cao, Fu Gao, Jianming Cai, Li-Ren Qian, Shulin Liu, Yuecheng Huang