H2-Infused Water Reduces Oxidative StressScientific Research

original title: Effects of Drinking a Water Product with Anti-Oxidant Activities In Vitro on the Blood Levels of Biomarker Substances for the Oxidative Stress

DOI: 10.1248/jhs.52.817

Published on: 2006



The in vivo effects of drinking a water product, which had been confirmed to have antioxidant activi- ties in vitro, were preliminarily studied by monitoring the blood concentrations of oxidative stress marker substances in the two group subjects who ingested the same quantity of the water product and a tap water solution during the same time. The results indicated that hydrogen gas and reductive vanadium ions as the components responsible for the antioxidant activities in vitro cannot enhance the scavenging ability for re- active oxygen species in vivo after being drunk and absorbed into the human body, although it was sug- gested that an ingestion of a greater quantity of water than usual gives a slight reduction, overall, in the oxi- dative stress.


Atsuko Shinohara, Atsushi Hiraoka, Momoko Chiba, Satoshi Sasaki, Tomoko Yamada